Wednesday 9 January 2013

Tweet Tweet

I’m new to this whole social media thing but can I just take a minute here to tell you how much I love Twitter. I had no idea this place was like the city I always wanted to live in. It’s brimming with soulful and consciously-minded people who are doing their utmost to spread love and joy throughout the world. It's amazing!

And I thought Bondi was good…

Jacqueline Harrison, author of the soon to be released book How To Create A Business From Nothing suggested to me before Christmas that I join the Twitter community in order to grow my professional network. As per my blog Becoming A Millionaire Step 2, I have been working backwards from a wish list by putting pen to paper, doing my research and learning as I go. Twitter is one such example.

Before joining the Twitter community I knew nothing about it other than people projected their thoughts into the world via short messages, and that there seemed to be a lot of hash tags involved – #noideawhatforthough. Far from being a tech wizard I was possibly one of the last people to get an iPhone, rarely use my laptop for anything other than work, and still write my weekly appointments in a diary. I’m what Gen Y might call Old Skool.

Twitter, however has welcomed me like an old friend. I love it! I thought it was going to be tricky to get my non-tech head around and that I’d end up not getting it and feeling like I’d smoked an ounce of hash tags even though #Ihaven’tdonedrugsforyears.

Recognising the benefit of Twitter actually came very fast and very naturally – even to me ­– a Gen X chick who is proud of the fact she still has pubic hair – albeit a nicely trimmed retro triangle. I know – #toomuchinformation. Yes, Twitter is the new black (and the new Facebook as far as I’m concerned). It’s so easy to connect with likeminded people and you don’t need to know them to become friends. Just a simple click on someone who’s written a message you like and voila – you’re linked and sharing airtime. It’s marvellous.

I’m definitely a convert and there have been immediate benefits to my business. As well as connecting with some amazing people who live in far flung corners of the globe, and who I would otherwise not have been lucky enough to come across, I’ve inadvertently increased the audience for my blog! Since joining Twitter about 10 days ago I already have 92 followers (and counting) and I haven’t even done anything – other than choose to hear from people whose message I already like.

I now have more people reading my blog and I haven’t had to beg them to follow my page or send out an email blast asking them to “like” me. I just appeared on their screen, they chose to follow me, and the rest is taking care of itself. It feels so authentic and is by far my new favourite thing. There are of course people on Twitter who simply want followers and are open about that (are they called Twits?), but for the most part, there appears to be genuine reciprocation, and from what I can see, absolutely no need to beg people to follow you. Which for me, makes it a heart warming party to be invited to.

If you already Tweet then you’ll know what I’m talking about, and if not, then I highly recommend you build yourself a nest and go and find some brothers and sisters who live in Cyberspace who will make you feel more like you belong than ever before.


Happy tweeting!

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